Monday, 28 September 2009

So long and thanks for all the fish

Reality is ultimately only a state of mind. I learnt a long time ago that your environment does not affect your reality- you are just you in a different place. But a different environment can help you to better appreciate your reality. I arrived in London in 2007 with a clear idea of who I was, after years of trying to figure that out. My ideas about other people and the world as a whole were not quite as developed, but I had some idea. The last last two years have helped to resolve this point. With that the whole big picture has zoomed into focus. Or at least that is how it seems. The goal now is to somehow mesh my reality with that of the rest of the world. I will think about that one while I am in Thailand. The thing that made London tolerable in the worst times was to always be myself. Not a revolutionary idea, you might think. The last few days have brought home to me the consequences of not being myself...
I have had a lovely few days with Dad, who arrived in London last Wednesday. We had days out to the British Museum and Greenwich. Dad also patiently helped with packing. And it was great catching up with Taylor and Ernie.
Ben gave me a spontaneous hug before I left. Zoe was more concerned to know where my lap top (and cbeebies games) had gone. In a container on a ship was not a satisfactory answer.
I am sitting on a Thai Airways plane (without personal monitors!), so I cannot pontificate any longer.

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