Saturday, 13 June 2009


A photo of me looking excited on the summit of Ben Nevis.

Glasgow comes with a lot of "baggage"- it does not get very good press, not helped with the TV programme "Taggart". But maybe it was the warm weather, maybe it was the grid system, which means that the city is quite well layed out, maybe it was the park next to the Burrell Collection, but I really rather liked it. Downtown had the usual shopping centres and high street chain stores, but it was not nearly as bad as, say, Leicester or Cardiff. In fact, in some ways is reminded me of Auckland. I did not visit the infamous suburban tower block areas, which do sound pretty dire. The Burrell Collection is Glasgow's most well known museum. It is relatively small and contains items collected by Mr Burrell over his life. He left them to the city, which then waited 40 years to build a museum to house them. The museum is located in a very nice park. It was well worth the visit.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't it freezing in shorts at Ben Navis?
